Does Traditional Tutoring Help Students: Statistics and Facts
Parents have long relied on traditional private tutoring as a means of improving their children’s performance and grades at school. So, you too may have found yourself wondering whether private tutoring is worth the money and time invested and whether it delivers the expected results.
The common consensus is that traditional tutoring works and helps students. The reality, however, is more complex than that. Traditional tutoring can, indeed, be extremely useful and helpful. Nonetheless, there are situations when it won’t help.
Let’s take a look at a few facts and statistics on traditional tutoring so that you can form an informed decision that benefits your child and their future.
Does Traditional Private Tutoring Help Students?
1. On Average, Traditional Tutoring Does Not Show Significant Results
The first point on our list may come as a shocker. However, several studies performed in the United States have concluded that traditional tutoring on average does not help students to an extent that we think. It does not result in significant growth or gains.
Does that mean that you should give up on the idea of private tutoring for good? No. While average results show ineffectiveness, this does not mean that all private tutoring is ineffective.
Research shows that there are factors that, if taken into consideration, can indeed yield superior results.
A private tutor can become a very important person in a child’s life. Nonetheless, data shows that you can’t just choose any private tutor or the cheapest one you have available. You need to select a private tutor or an institution providing private tutoring services carefully, or you indeed risk wasting your time and money.
Let’s take a look at more findings to see how you can make the best decision.
2. Research-Based Tutoring Produces Improved Results
A variety of studies have concluded that tutoring programs that incorporate research-based elements produce improve results. What does that mean?
The most popular and widespread teaching method that many teachers follow to this day is the direct teaching approach. Teachers present a new rule or a new concept after which practice happens.
Despite being popular, this method isn’t the most effective. That’s because, during it, students remain passive. They simply need to listen and replicate.
Teaching methods that involve research and discovery produce much more effective results. This is due to students being actively involved in figuring out why and how something works. This develops critical thinking, which can not only boost academic performance but help in the work environment in the future.
Research-based methods are also more entertaining and engaging for students and can increase their intrinsic motivation. However, they also require more preparation on the teacher’s or tutor’s part, which is why not all teachers utilize them.
3. Allowing Ample Information Processing Time Improves Tutoring Results
To advance in any given subject, students need to establish a solid foundation first. Failing to do so can result in falling behind in the future.
In general large classroom setting, students have different learning styles and speeds. Therefore they do not process and assimilate information at the same rate. Some students will do so faster; others will not be able to fully do it by the time that the class move on to a new topic.
Studies show that allowing ample time to process and assimilate information yields more significant results. How long each student needs will vary. Therefore, for this to occur, it is important that the tutor gets to know their tutee and their individual learning style and needs.
4. Positive Student –Tutor Relationship Can Improve Private Tutoring Results
Another important factor for private tutoring to be successful is a positive relationship between the tutor and student. This means that whether your child gets along with their tutor matters.
A study has shown that private tutoring can help students if the tutor understands the family situation and life circumstances of their students. Students have also shown to have improved results if they can relate to their teacher.
This also means that working the same tutor long-term is also beneficial for improved results. Keep in mind though that this only refers to tutors who help your child and whom your child has a good relationship with. Don’t hesitate to make a change if your child complains about the tutor or you do not see any improvement.
5. Private Tutoring Can Boost Self Confidence
Research shows that traditional tutoring can help students boost their self-confidence levels. While this may not help your child get better grades right away, it can be extremely beneficial long term.
A self-confident student is more likely to participate, answer questions, and less afraid of making mistakes. There are all essential not only for optimal learning but work environment in the future.
6. Coordinating Tutoring with School Curriculum Improves Results
Studies have shown that tutors who coordinate private tutoring sessions with the curriculum taught at school help students more than teaching unrelated topics.
This doesn’t mean that tutors need to teach exactly what’s been taught at school. Instead, they can provide additional, hands-on practice that helps reinforce school material and make it more applicable and relatable.
7. Tutors Who Continuously Develop Perform Better
Students are not the only ones who should keep learning. Research proves that tutors who continuously learn and improve help students achieve better results.
This is important because education and the subjects taught are continuously evolving. Therefore, private tutors are more equipped to stay up-to-date with the most effective teaching methods as well as industry developments.
8. Frequent Private Tutoring Sessions Result in Better Gains
A private tutor’s availability should be an important determining factor in whether you should select them. You may hire the best tutor in the world but if they are only available one every two weeks, results may suffer.
A study concluded that frequent traditional tutoring sessions, even if they are shorter, produce better results. In addition to that, the study evaluated tutoring sessions of different duration (from 10-60 minutes) and longer sessions did not necessarily yield more successful results. It was their frequency that mattered more.
9. Cheap Tutoring Alternatives Do Not Yield Effective Results
Nowadays, anything can be found on the Internet, including online traditional tutoring options from other corners of the globe. If you have considered those, you may want to drop your searches.
A study performed in the UK showed that distance tutoring with affordable instructors from India and Sri Lanka showed barely any improvement.
Traditional Tutoring Can Help Students, But…
While many parents automatically assume that traditional tutoring will help students, it is not always the case. It is important to carefully select a tutor, or you may end up wasting your time and money.
Make sure to choose a skilled and experienced professional who continuously improves themselves, gets along with your child, takes their individual needs into account, offers creative hands-on practice, and is available for frequent private tutoring sessions.
Are you considering private tutoring? Or perhaps you’ve worked with a tutor before? Connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and share that with us!
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